Penny Logan Awarded Outstanding Alumni Award

The School of Information Management is delighted to announce that the Associated Alumni has awarded this year’s Outstanding Alumni Award to Penny Logan (MLS, 1985).

Currently the manager of Library Services at Capital Health, Penny has had a successful career which has included positions in public and special libraries. Her colleagues consistently praise her for her open door policy, her clear thinking, her focus on user-centered services, and her strength as both a leader and a mentor.

Penny has been described as a gracious ambassador for the Nova Scotia library community, and as someone who brings enthusiasm, intelligence, professionalism, a global perspective and a refreshing sense of humour to every initiative with which she is involved. Her many contributions were recognized this past year when she was awarded the 2008 Norman Horrocks Award for Library Leadership by the Nova Scotia Library Association. As one of Penny’s nominators noted “Penny Logan is a leader in the library field; locally, regionally and nationally. “ Penny is a strong role model for current School of Information Management students and an excellent example of the impressive professionals who graduate from the School.

Please join us to honour Penny Logan at a joint event of the Associated and the School of Information Management, to be held on Thursday, September 17th in the Sculpture Court in the Dalhousie Arts Centre at 6:30 p.m. for a 7:00 p.m. start. At this event we will also be welcoming new students and celebrating the School’s 40th Anniversary.

For further information: Donna Bourne-Tyson (Chair, Alumni Association)
Donna.bourne-tyson [AT] / 902.457.6108


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