NSLA Conference 2014

NSLA/LBANS Conference — September 25th – 28th, 2014

Hosted by Cumberland Public Libraries
Amherst, NS

Want to become a member of the conference planning committee? Contact Denise Corey atconference@nsla.ns.ca.

We’re looking for people who would like to be:

Registrar – responsible for coordinating all preregistration and registration information and for coordinating on-site registration.

Vendor committee – responsible for attracting vendors to the conference, providing for on-site facilities and anything else that is necessary to ensure that the exhibitors are able to present their products to the registrants

Program Committee – responsible for arranging the program, includes decision on theme, arrangements for speakers, session planning

Promotions, Public Relations & Publicity – getting the word out to everyone about the great conference we’re putting together.

Want to present at this year’s Conference? Please contact Greg Hayward, Program Committee Chair at ghayward@nsngp.library.ns.ca.



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