NSLA Conference 2024: Make it Happen, Make it Matter!

OCTOBER 25-27, 2024, AMHERST NS The 2024 NSLA Conference theme is Make it Happen, Make it Matter! Libraries are more important than ever before. Make it Happen, Make it Matter! symbolizes the positive impacts libraries, and library staff, have on everyone who passes through our physical or digital doors. We provide exemplary service, and fill societal gaps, while offering engaging resources and experiences. Libraries are an inclusive space that celebrate diversity, we make inclusivity happen, and make it matter. Library Staff Make it Happen. Whether we are helping a university student find the right article, or providing a warm and welcoming environment, library staff make our province a better place for everyone. We are a constant in an ever changing world, and have adapted to meet the needs of our diverse communities whenever necessary. Library Staff Make it Matter. Everyone approaches library work differently. The impact libraries have is a direct result of the passionate people ...