
Showing posts from July, 2015

Conference Website Now Live!


NSLA Conference Busary

The NSLA Conference Bursary provides financial assistance to a library staff person who is in need of assistance to attend the NSLA annual conference. Requirements: – Applicant must not have attended the conference in the last two years – Applicant must send a letter outlining his/her need – Applicant must be a library staff person and a current member of NSLA – All applications must be received by August 15 – Send applications to If you’ve never been to an NSLA conference before, or haven’t attended in quite some time, this is a great year to come – we hope to see you there!

Nominations are open for Norman Horrocks Award

Every year NSLA is pleased to present the Norman Horrocks Award for Library Leadership at the annual conference. If you have someone in mind, now is the time for you to submit nominations! The Norman Horrocks Award for Library Leadership was established to honor leadership in the Nova Scotia Library community and is given by NSLA for distinguished contributions to the promotion and development of library service in Nova Scotia. Those contributions should be of lasting significance and may be for leadership of various kinds ranging from local projects to those of provincial scope, and may cover any type of library activity. Nominations procedure: – Nominations must include nominee name, address, telephone, fax and e-mail address, if applicable. – Nominations must be made in writing and signed by two nominators, one of whom must be a current member of the Nova Scotia Library Association. – Nominators are responsible for documenting the accomplishments of the candidate and for

Nova Scotia Library Association joins National campaign on ebook pricing

Canadian Public Libraries for Fair Ebook Pricing have joined to raise awareness of high ebook prices charged by multinational publishers at . The Nova Scotia Library Association has lent its name to the initiative to draw attention to concerns about the excessive prices large multinational publishers charge to libraries for digital content. Despite booming borrowing rates and high demand for ebooks, public libraries face challenges in ensuring universal access to this content. Read the full Press Release

Call for Nominations: 2015 Outstanding Alumni Award

The SIM Associated Alumni invites nominations for the 2015 Outstanding Alumni Award. This award honors a member of the Associated Alumni who has made an outstanding contribution as an information professional. Please help us to select the next illustrious recipient of this award. Submit your nomination by e-mail to: All nominations must be received by August 17, 2015. • Full details for eligibility and criteria for nominations are available at: • Nominations of persons previously nominated but not chosen may be resubmitted. • Receipt of all submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail. Past winners include: 2014 Lou Duggan (2000) 2013 Barbara Shuh (1976) 2012 Patrick Ellis (1988) 2011 Margaret Murphy (1976) 2010 Terri Tomchyshyn (1981) 2009 Penny Logan (1985) 2008 Ilga Leja (1977) 2007 Donna Bourne-Tyson (1990) 2006 Mark Leggott (1986)